
CERTH | Institute for Chemical Process and Energy Resources (CPERI), Center for Research and Technology Hellas

The National Center for Research and Technological Development (CERTH), founded in 2000, is one of the leading research centers in Greece and is on the list of TOP-25 research and academic bodies of the EU attracting resources from competing European programs. CERTH is a Legal Entity of Private Law (NPID) of non-profit nature that is supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religions. CERTH has to demonstrate significant scientific and technological achievements in research areas of great interest to man and society such as: Energy, Environment, New Operating Materials, Industrial Processes, Informatics, Telematics, Telecommunications, Transport, Agrobiotechnology, Health Sciences, Mechatronics, Agrotechnology as well as in various interdisciplinary scientific and technological areas arising from the above.