Research Teams
Team Members of AUTH

Christos Chatzidoukas
Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα εστιάζουν α) στη μηχανική συστημάτων διεργασιών παραγωγής βιοχημικών προϊόντων και βιοαποικοδομήσιμων πολυμερών με αξιοποίηση ανανεώσιμων πρώτων υλών και αγροτικών ή βιομηχανικών παραπροϊόντων, καθώς και διεργασιών καταλυτικού πολυμερισμού και πολυμερισμού ελευθέρων ριζών, β) στην καλλιέργεια βακτηρίων και μικροφυκών και στην αξιοποίηση της παραγόμενης βιομάζας τους, γ) στη μοντελοποίηση, ρύθμιση και βελτιστοποίηση της δυναμικής λειτουργίας χημικών και βιοχημικών αντιδραστήρων σε πραγματικό χρόνο και σε μεταβατικό στάδιο λειτουργίας τους, δ) στη μελέτη φαινομένων μεταφοράς μάζας και ενέργειας σε βιοχημικούς αντιδραστήρες και αντιδραστήρες πολυμερισμού και ε) στην κλιμάκωση μεγέθους (scale-up) χημικών και βιοχημικών διεργασιών.
Το ερευνητικό του έργο του έχει αποφέρει μέχρι τώρα 31 δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά υψηλής απήχησης με κριτές (συνολικές ετεροαναφορές (Scopus: 340, Google Scholar: 509); h-index (Scopus: 9, Google Scholar: 11) και πάνω από 70 συνεδριακές εργασίες με κριτές. Είναι επιβλέπων καθηγητής σε 4 διδακτορικές διατριβές (και συνεπιβλέπων σε 5 διδακτορικές διατριβές), έχει επιβλέψει 2 μεταπτυχιακές διατριβές και 14 διπλωματικές εργασίες, ενώ ήταν μέλος εξεταστικής επιτροπής 12 διδακτορικών διατριβών.

Georgia Papapanagiotou

Christina Samara
Christina Samara graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in November 2021. During her diploma thesis she studied the effect of nutrient composition and light intensity on productivity and macronutrient content of four different microalgae. Since January 2022 she is a PhD Candidate of the Department of Chemical Engineering of AUTh with the object of optimizing the production and extraction of astaxanthin from the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis for its use in the food and cosmetics industry. So far, she has 1 announcement at an international scientific conference.
Team Members of IHU

Eleni Kalogianni

Stelios Exarchopoulos

Despoina Georgiou
Team Members of CPERI - CERTH

Stella Bezergianni

Loukia Chrysikou

Georgia Kastrinaki

Athanasios Dimitriadis
Athanasios Dimitriadis obtained a Mechanical Engineer diploma from the University of Western Macedonia - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2008. In 2010 he started working in the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas as a head engineer in HydPro group of CPERI/CERTH, a position he currently holds. His research activities involve the production and evaluation of environmentally friendly fuels and biofuels, development of new technologies for 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels production, as well as optimization of hydroprocessing for biofuels production. Since 2012 he is a PhD candidate under the supervision of Prof. Z. Samaras in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, working on experimental and theoretical investigation of the effect of hydrotreated vegetable oils on the operation of internal combustion engines and their anti-pollution systems. He is co-author of numerous scientific publications in technical journals and conference proceedings. He also has participated in various European and national research projects as well as in research activities in collaboration with national and international industrial partners.

Dimitrios Liakos
Team Members of UTH

Ioannis Karapanagiotidis

Nikolaos Katsoulas
Team Members of Verd

Alexandros Litinas

Theocharis Andrianos
Theocharis Andrianos holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from NTUA with postgraduate studies in Economics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. He has been working at Verd since 2007 as Operating Manager with long experience in the domestic and international markets of Used Cooking Oils, for the production of biodiesel and in the development of new products, while since 2018 he holds the position of Business Development Director of oleochemical products.

Maria Chatzopoulou
Maria Chatzopoulou holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from NTUA with postgraduate studies in Computer Engineering from NTUA. She has been working for Verd since 2007 in Quality Control and in Research and Development. She has extensive experience in the chemical analysis of used cooking oils, biodiesel and other liquid biofuels.

Dimitra Dimitriou
Dimitra Dimitriou is a graduate of Environmental Engineering from the Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia and she has been working for Elin Verd since October 2010, as an administrative staff and also as a supporting member of the chemical laboratory. She has previously worked as an analytical chemist for the company during her internship, in which she was trained in the use of the laboratory equipment as well as in laboratory synthesis methods.

Ioannis Tsakalos
Ioannis Tsakalos is a graduate of the Department of Petroleum and Gas Technology of the Technological Educational Institute of Kavala. He has been working for Verd since January 2014, initially as a shift manager and from 2017 and onwards as an administrative staff, while at the same time he is also supporting the research and development department. He has previously worked as a quality controller at EADS 3S.
Team Members of Pindos

Dimitrios Kotoglou

Apostolos Patsias

Konstantinos Theocharis

Ioannis Kostis

Petroula Vicky Tsikoura

Aggelos Sampatakakis
Team Members of Farm Koukakis

Ioanna Melikidou

Ioannis Mpikos

Georgios Karapittas

Triantafyllos Kamaris

Maria Agapitou

Nikolaos Mammos

Sergios Grigorian